Yes, choice A is a trap, and so is Choice E, which you will obtain if you ignored the discount completely. The different answer choices are set up if you apply the discount incorrectly. The key is to read is carefully, and may be read it three times. That is what I do, and more so on the easier questions, because I know if I misinterpret anything, resulting answer will be one of the trap choices.
So like the discount was just the distraction or the trap for us? If we calculated the discounted value we do get 320 i.e, Option A.
Yes, choice A is a trap, and so is Choice E, which you will obtain if you ignored the discount completely. The different answer choices are set up if you apply the discount incorrectly. The key is to read is carefully, and may be read it three times. That is what I do, and more so on the easier questions, because I know if I misinterpret anything, resulting answer will be one of the trap choices.